# do not edit -- automatically generated by arch changelog # arch-tag: automatic-ChangeLog--jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--trunk--1.0 # 2005-03-07 00:50:18 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-36 Summary: 0.3.17 Added 'log' to help file Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-36 modified files: playomatic 2005-03-07 00:46:19 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-35 Summary: new command "log" - performs very simple log analysis Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-35 Patches applied: * jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--log-analysis--1.0--patch-3 Generate simple top artist list from logfile modified files: playomatic new patches: jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--log-analysis--1.0--base-0 jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--log-analysis--1.0--patch-1 jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--log-analysis--1.0--patch-2 jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--log-analysis--1.0--patch-3 2005-03-05 20:41:00 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-34 Summary: Oops, ChangeLog should depend on playomatic Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-34 modified files: Makefile 2005-03-04 12:19:58 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-33 Summary: 0.3.16: Session handling improvments Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-33 * Patch from Chris Lightfoot causes it now to use existing session specified in AS_SESSION variable if this variable exists * More verbose output in DEBUG mode if it fails to establish a session modified files: Makefile playomatic 2005-02-28 21:51:15 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-32 Summary: 0.3.15 - details of current track now written to .playomatic.current Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-32 modified files: Makefile playomatic 2005-02-23 14:58:22 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-31 Summary: Marginally more helpful docs Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-31 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-23 01:30:01 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-30 Summary: Tidy up main loop, and ensure we only logs track played to completion Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-30 (And only log them once) modified files: playomatic 2005-02-22 02:50:19 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-29 Summary: 0.3.12: Now able to use HTTP POST where required (but still uses GET for now, because the server doesn't yet appear to support POSTs) Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-29 Patches applied: * jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--http-post--1.0--patch-1 Can now POST, but it looks like their server doesn't accept posts * jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--http-post--1.0--patch-2 Revert to using GET, but leave POST code available modified files: playomatic new patches: jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--http-post--1.0--base-0 jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--http-post--1.0--patch-1 jtjm@xenoclast.org--phaedrus-2004/playomatic--http-post--1.0--patch-2 2005-02-21 16:01:23 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-28 Summary: Reinstate blank line between tracks Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-28 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-21 15:42:20 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-27 Summary: 0.3.11: fixed uninitialised variable error seen when in random mode Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-27 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-21 15:25:41 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-26 Summary: 0.3.10: Fixes various errors when switching channels Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-26 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-18 16:55:19 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-25 Summary: Added help command Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-25 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-17 16:20:09 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-24 Summary: 0.3.9: Fixed bug in escaping code Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-24 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-17 14:59:30 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-23 Summary: 0.3.8: Added station command, cleans dotfiles on startup Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-23 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-17 14:09:42 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-22 Summary: Added 'dump' command Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-22 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-17 08:53:55 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-21 Summary: 0.3.7: Fixed uninitialised variable error in love command Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-21 modified files: Makefile playomatic 2005-02-16 15:10:20 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-20 Summary: 0.3.6: Commands can now be sent from the command line Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-20 removed files: .arch-ids/lastfm.id lastfm modified files: playomatic 2005-02-16 13:34:10 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-19 Summary: 0.3.5: Fixed "uninitialised variable error" caused by missing track data Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-19 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-16 13:25:03 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-18 Summary: love command now supports comments Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-18 * ./lastfm love [comment] sends "love" command and adds optional comment to log entry. If comment starts with '!', the comment is added to the log, but the love command is not sent. * Fixed bug whereby the love flag stuck (in the logs) until playomatic was restarted modified files: lastfm playomatic 2005-02-14 09:48:25 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-17 Summary: 0.3.2: Report errors returned by send_command Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-17 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-08 23:42:25 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-16 Summary: 0.3.2 Fixed perldoc style issues (patch from Chris) Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-16 modified files: playomatic 2005-02-01 12:30:12 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-15 Summary: 0.3.1: lastfm control script created, love command now marks logs Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-15 * 'love' command now marks tracks with '[*]' in the logs. * Added lastfm control script (play, love, skip, ban, update, restart) new files: .arch-ids/Makefile.id .arch-ids/lastfm.id Makefile lastfm modified files: playomatic 2005-01-30 21:15:18 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-14 Summary: [Update version to 0.3.0] Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-14 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-30 21:11:10 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-13 Summary: Added docs & support for love, ban, newsession commands Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-13 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-30 19:22:45 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-12 Summary: Split main loop into check_for_updates() and process_commands() Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-12 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-29 10:38:57 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-11 Summary: Fixed bug whereby track info was being updated every 4 seconds Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-11 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-28 22:48:37 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-10 Summary: Strip all chars below 0x1f fromtrack data Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-10 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-26 13:56:19 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-9 Summary: New config option mpg123_args Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-9 * mpg123_args = -b1024 ... passes additional arguments to mpg123 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-26 13:25:32 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-8 Summary: Don't allow our timings to be upset by system clock changes Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-8 * Checks for system clock changes and updates track info if it detects them * Added GPL modified files: playomatic {arch}/=tagging-method 2005-01-20 09:05:38 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-7 Summary: Song titles now roll over simultaneously with the songs themselves Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-7 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-20 08:17:00 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-6 Summary: Time displayed as mmm:ss Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-6 * Display time as mmm:ss modified files: playomatic 2005-01-19 15:53:42 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-5 Summary: Touch .playomatic.update for manual update; more robust Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-5 * touching ~/.playomatic.update will cause playomatic to refetch the current tracks details (there are times when the stream seems to change tracks in the middle of the song). * Now checks that get_current_track_info succeeds before relying on it. modified files: playomatic 2005-01-18 18:15:51 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-4 Summary: Reduce load on server, add config file. Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-4 * Reverted to only checking for updates once per song, as experiments showed that we never got more than 1 second out. * Now looks up username and password in config file: .playomaticrc modified files: playomatic 2005-01-18 16:00:04 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-3 Summary: Username and Password to configurables at top Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-3 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-18 15:50:34 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-2 Summary: Improved progress meter; timestamps in ISO format Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-2 * Fixed bug whereby playomatic would sometimes finish before the song had, and print the name of the song repeatedly. The same code should improve the time handling a little. * Log entries now have ISO format time stamp. modified files: playomatic 2005-01-18 09:06:47 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley patch-1 Summary: Log details of tracks played to completion in .playomatic.log Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--patch-1 modified files: playomatic 2005-01-18 08:06:26 GMT Julian T. J. Midgley base-0 Summary: Original from Oggie Revision: playomatic--trunk--1.0--base-0 new files: playomatic